How many price quotes will your dealership need to send out this Memorial Day Weekend?
How long does it take to assemble each customer’s quote and customize it with alternate choices?
It’s Memorial Day, a major sales holiday weekend. Your dealership is being bombarded with leads from shoppers ready to buy with check in hand. How quickly will your dealership respond to those leads? Will they get to your leads before the competition?
Will their response include pricing or not?
Will that pricing also give lease and finance options?
Will it contain alternate vehicle choices, including pre-owned?
Will it link them to an interactive e-brochure where they can change option s and colors, updating pricing real-time?
How long would it take your staff to email EVERY prospect this type of robust brochure? Approximately 30 minutes PER email.
How many more cars would you sell every month if every shopper received an interactive, personalized brochure - automatically, within minutes, 24/7?
If your shoppers receive a branded, interactive e-brochure BEFORE your competitors send them one, they will be more likely to engage with you and visit your dealership to make their purchase.