Auto Dealer Social Media Spotlight – Friendly Honda

Auto Dealer Social Media Spotlight – Friendly Honda

Friendly Honda Does Social Media the Right Way.

As a marketing consultant for Auto Dealerships, I follow and pay attention to hundreds, if not thousands, of dealership online Social Media presences. When I see one doing it right, I feel it is important to point out a particular dealership who is branding, connecting and building an engaged community.

The first dealer I would like to showcase for a Social Media Spotlight is Friendly Honda of Poughkeepsie, NY

Friendly Honda really understands how to connect with potential customers by showing their personality through their quality Facebook posts. They have a full-time dedicated content manager, Linsey Levine, who is does outstanding job engaging and re engaging Facebook followers. Linsey is the person you see right at the beginning of this video.

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They not only have a strong presence on Facebook, but also a tight-knit, focused, local following on Instagram and Pinterest. They don’t have a ton of fans, on those networks, but what’s more important is the amount of local clicks, comments, and shares of each post - not the volume of fans. Quality over quantity.

Instagram pic from Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Here is a link to their outstanding Facebook Page:

Here are just a few reasons why Friendly Honda is my pick for one of the best dealerships Social Media Marketing:

  1. Over 4,000 Facebook Fans, growing consistently
  2. Relevant posts but not overwhelming - 1-2 times per day
  3. Local community engagement - showcasing their charitable contributions, public involvement and raising awareness to good causes
  4. Contests to increase fan count and buzz with relevant, local potential customers
  5. Monthly “Big Chair” contest - most likes of a pic of someone in their big office chair wins a prize - encourages sharing of their brand
  6. They have fun and you can see it
  7. Only a small percentage of their posts are for sales promotions
  8. They answer every comment and thank people for their support regularly
  9. Their Facebook Fan page has tabs that embed Instagram and Pinterest profiles.

Adam Ross Sitting in Friendly Honda’s “Big Chair”

Post by Adam Ross.

Kudos go out to Eric Kahn, Dominick DiCapua and the entire Friendly Honda management team for recognizing how important Social Media Marketing and Branding is (and will be in the future) and putting their resources behind it.

How are YOU using social media to keep customers engaged and loyal to your dealership?

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